Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Late Post

Hello everyone!

So for my first bit of volunteering, Mamma-Cat and I  went to a main street in Shawnee and planted some bulbs. It was a lot of fun and we got to know some of the other people in our class a little better. We had a great time together!

The top photo is one of Tom Terry, who was in charge of this volunteer operation. He is very nice and I enjoyed working with him.
The middle photo is Mamma-cat. She was the one who dug the holes that we were working on on our side of the street.
The bottom is me, The Garden Kitten! I got to put the bulbs in the ground in different patterns.(Whoops! I look tired!)

There was  a lot of other people there with us as well. I didn't manage to get pictures of them, but next time we do some volunteer work I will get some pictures of them. We were kind of busy last time. To those who worked with us, I enjoyed working with you all, and had a great time visiting with you all afterwards (in retrospect, I should have taken a picture then...).

Better pics next time.